David Filip is chair (Convener) of the OASIS XLIFF OMOS Technical Committee (TC); secretary, lead editor, and liaison officer of the OASIS XLIFF TC; former co-chair and editor of W3C ITS 2.0; Advisory Editorial Board member for MultiLingual magazine; and co-chair of the JIAMCATT Standards IG. David works as a research fellow at the ADAPT Centre, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland. Before 2011, he oversaw key research and change projects for Moravia and held research scholarships at universities in Vienna, Hamburg, and Geneva. He holds a PhD in Analytic Philosophy (2004) from Masaryk University.
Email: david.filip@adaptcentre.ie
Website: adaptcentre.ie/team-members/person-detail/david-filip
Twitter: @merzbauer
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/davidfatdavidf/